Monday, August 12, 2013

Thought of the Day.

Hey all. So this afternoon I was putting some finishing touches on the master suite of 105 Oakland (pics coming soon) which included constructing a large arrangement of hydrangeas, and I realized - hey these flowers are absolutely gorg! 

So here is one of my many thoughts of the day. 
Hydrangeas are pretty. Plain and simple. They make me feel happy when I see them and I just want to lay in a bed made of them. Go Hydrangeas. 

Seeing that they're in season right now, go pick up a bouquet to brighten up a room in your house! Perfect for a kitchen counter or coffee table! 

PS. It's already the middle of August!? Where did this summer go!?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

BR Issa Collection

Hey all you replikates, guess what! The day is finally here! Banana Republic has finally unveiled its Issa collection!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYA

So what are you waiting for, go check it out!